30 min
Free1 hr
111 Australian dollars1 hr
111 Australian dollars1 hr
111 Australian dollars1 hr 30 min
160 Australian dollars3 hr
333 Australian dollars
Come with an open mind
Although during the interview portion we will make a list of items you want to address, the most successful sessions are those with no expectations. Your subconscious will be navigating the session and will ultimately determine what it is that YOU need to work on.
To ensure a successful session, please be sure you read and understand the below, if you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out via email at kp@keeppositivehealing.com.au
I have had the pleasure to witness some truly amazing experiences with my clients who have struggled with issues and done some amazing work to allow them to move on in their life in a much happier and healthier way. Please note that I, as your practitioner, am not doing the healing. YOU are healing yourself during your experience. I am only the facilitator and your assistant in this process.
The power of self healing is phenomenal and I love seeing my clients experiencing healing and change during a session.
Relax and/or meditate
It is important that you do your best to relax and keep a calm mind the night before, and the day of your session. I highly recommend meditating or doing any activity that helps you relax such as reading.
Do not drink alcohol or caffeine
To make sure your mind is clear and relaxed, please do not drink any alcohol the night before or the day of your session. Additionally, do not drink any coffee/caffeine the day of your session as it may affect the quality of your session. If you drink multiple cups of coffee per day, I recommend limiting yourself to as few cups as possible.
Eat prior to your session
Most sessions last about 3 hours. Please plan accordingly and eat light prior to your session. You may also want to dress comfortably.
Online sessions
If you are getting ready for an online session, please make sure you have no distractions in the room (such as pets). You will need a computer with a webcam as well as headphones that have a mouthpiece. Make sure both work the day before your session. A phone with a camera will not suffice.
You will be given a copy of your recorded session
Your session will be video and/or audio recorded. You may remember some, all, or none of your session while you were hypnotised so a recording will be provided to you. Having a recording is a critical part of the process as the more you hear yourself, the more easily the changes can stick. If you have your own recording device, please feel free to bring it.
Your session is private
Although spouses/partners/friends may want to be with you to witness this amazing event, your session is a safe place, and your confidentiality is of utmost importance to me. For this reason, I cannot allow others to be present during your session; however, you may share your recording or any memories or thoughts at your discretion.
Cancellation Policy
If you cancel within 3 days of your appointment, your fee will not be refunded.
A processing fee will be charged and deducted from your refund. Amount will de determined by payment processing vendor.
There are no refunds after a session is conducted. If the internet connection does not work then the session can be rescheduled with no cost to the client.